Saturday 16 October 10.30 - 12.30
For Kenneth Kirkwood Day 2021, Dr Kate Feluś and Dr Emma House speak about gardens in this Zoom special event.
Derek Jarman Gardening for Health
Dr Emma House has been curator at the Garden Museum since 2015, overseeing the Museum's redevelopment and implementing new displays which explore the history of gardening and garden design in Britain. She is interested in how artists continue to respond to gardens and wild landscapes and recently commissioned a new permanent installation from ceramic artist Katie Spragg, which explores the wild flowers of Lambeth and drew on inspiration from the Museum's historic collections.
The film director, artist and gardener, Derek Jarman, purchased Prospect Cottage on the Kent coast in Dungeness in 1987, just months after being diagnosed as HIV positive. Emma's talk will explore how the garden was fundamental in helping him cope with that diagnosis and the uncertainty of illness and provided a catalyst for creating new work.
The Secret Life of the Georgian Garden
Dr Kate Feluś is a historian specialising in gardens and their social history. For over twenty years she has been a consultant researching and advising on the restoration of historic parks and gardens for both public and private owners.
In 2016 Kate's book The Secret Life of the Georgian Garden was published by I.B. Tauris (Bloomsbury). It explains how the Georgians lived in the great landscapes of Capability Brown and others, enjoying banquets, boating and amorous liaisons in the shrubberies. The Times declared it to be 'a pioneering work and an important addition to the literature of the country house. More than that it is a thoroughly entertaining read'.
How to join meeting
Topic: KK Day zoom special
Time: Oct 16, 2021 Talks start at 10.30 but please join the call slightly early to ensure that everyone is ready to start at 10.30.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 2286 6706
Passcode: 275470
The Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum have helped to fund projects and acquisitions, and have supported the purchase of display cases and important conservation work. The vital and much-needed fundraising carried out by the Friends includes the annual Kenneth Kirkwood Day which is used as a fundraiser to give staff bursaries for travel and research. If you would like to give a donation, please go to Thank you.