Friday 15 November, 19.00 - 22.00
Join us for Museum Late Night: Diversity and the national launch of LGBT History Month 2020! Enjoy a pride-filled evening in Pitt Rivers with tours, poetry, talks, stalls, activities and much more!
Stall holders & speakers include Oxford Pride, Pink Times, Voices and Visibility, Proud Trust and many more.
The LGBT History Month launch event will place with a series of 5 minute talks in the Lecture Theatre in the Museum of Natural History, running from 19.45 - 20.15 and 20.45 - 21.15. Speakers include Dean Atta, Louise Wallwein, Mike Parker, Sue Sanders, Caroline Page, Schools Out & Cyril Nri.
Blackwell's will be running an LGBT+ bookstall.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page to see more details as confirmed.
Luxmuralis will be projecting a dazzling new Diversity themed light and sound show on the front of the museums and the Museum of Natural History will be filled with activities celebrating the wealth of diversity in the natural world. There will also be a pay bar in the Museum of Natural History.
Free but booking required. Book your free ticket here.
See the full programme of events for the evening here.
Find out more about Beyond the Binary at Pitt Rivers.