Tuesday 22 June, 18.30 - 19.30
On National Windrush Day, join us for an online Windrush Memorial Lecture with Dr Rose Sinclair, who will discuss issues of belonging.
Sign up here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v7-hmGxWRdmkESifZ6Nf4g
About Rose:
Dr Rose Sinclair is a Textiles Design Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London, where she teaches textiles, fashion and design-related practice up to Postgraduate level.
Rose's research investigates the use of CAD/CAM for creative development and the textile history of Caribbean women in the UK. She also explores the relationship between textiles practice and communities and networks. These networks include those found in Dorcas Societies and Dorcas Clubs, especially those inherent in the Caribbean communities. This work was recently featured on the BBC Four television programme 'Craftivism: Making a Difference' (Feb 2021).
Rose has been awarded The Warden's Special Award for Community Engagement 2019 and The Wardens Special awards for Civic engagement 2020 for her textile design work and is a member of the advisory board for the Journal of Cloth and Culture.