We would like to welcome your group to the Pitt Rivers Museum.
Because visiting is very popular, it is required that you book your group into the Museum formally. When you book in with the Pitt Rivers Museum, you also share that booking and access to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History (the two buildings are adjoined).
Bookings must be made at least 48 hours in advance of visit
To make a booking you can fill out our form, e-mail education@prm.ox.ac.uk or telephone 01865 613 031
The recommended donation per group is £50. Donations can be made via cheque – brought on the day of your visit and payable to the University of Oxford – or online at: bit.ly/MuseumsDonation
Your visit to the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Museum of Natural History will last one hour in total
Visiting hours
Monday to Friday: 2pm to 3pm, and 3pm to 4pm
Sundays: 10am to 11am, and 11am to 12 noon
UK school holidays: 10am to 11am, and 11am to 12 noon
We can only accommodate 75 students per slot, so book early to avoid disappointment
We will email you a booking confirmation – without this you will not be allowed entry
Each language school/booking agency can book a maximum of two visits per week
Because of school bookings and family activities, there are no groups admitted at any other times.
Group organisation
Group leaders must supervise their groups at all times in both museums
For students under 18, there should be a staff:student ratio of 1:10 or higher
We will make every effort to ensure that you and your group enjoy your visit. Please be aware that groups who have not booked will not be admitted to the museums. If you attempt to enter the Museum without pre-booking or split your group into smaller numbers to circumvent the system, your organisation will be banned from booking any further visits.
Once you have read our visiting instructions above, please fill out our online form to make a booking enquiry about visiting the Museum with your foreign language or summer school group