Wednesday 27 September, 14.00 - 14.40
Free, no booking required.
The tour is free and no booking is required but spaces are limited and are on a first come, first served basis, so please arrive 5 minutes before the tour is due to start, to secure your place.
About the tour:
This tour will focus on 8 objects in the Pitt Rivers Museum which highlight the mix of the archaeological and contemporary objects on display. The tour explores themes of social and familial relationships, death and afterlife, art, recycling, and everyday technologies.
About the tour guide:
"Originally from the Sudan, I have lived in Oxford for over 30 years. I studied archaeology at university, and I'm especially interested in the heritage and archaeology of religions." Multaka tour guide, Marwa.
About Multaka:
Multaka means 'meeting point' in Arabic.
MultakaOxford is a project currently running at the Pitt Rivers Museum and the History of Science Museum in Oxford. The project brings people together as a meeting point to share experience, knowledge and skills and be a platform for cultural dialogue. The project has been running a tour guide training programme since February 2023 to facilitate individuals to develop unique tours to share their personal knowledge of cultural objects in the museum.