Saturday 13 July, 17.30 - 19.00
This public event brings global leaders in ethnographic museums together to consider how to reinvigorate museums with ethnographic collections, foreground indigenous knowledges and curatorial practices, and rethink assumptions about museums.
Participants include: João Pacheco de Oliveira (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Joe Horse Capture (Minnesota Historical Society, USA); Damion Thomas (National Museum of African American History & Culture, Smithsonian Institution, USA); Wayne Modest (Museum of World Cultures, The Netherlands)
Entry is via the South Door, Robinson Close, South Parks Road, Oxford.
Delegate biographies:
Joe Horse Capture (A’aninin, USA): Now Director of Native American Initiatives at the Minnesota Historical Society, Joe was formerly Curator at the National Museum of the American Indian. He consults widely on issues regarding museum representation of Indigenous people in the USA.
Wayne Modest (National Museum of World Cultures, The Netherlands): His research interests include issues of belonging and displacement; material mobilities; histories of (ethnographic) collecting and exhibitionary practices; difficult/contested heritage (with a special focus on slavery, colonialism and post-colonialism); Caribbean Thought. More recently Modest has been researching and publishing on heritage and citizenship in Europe with special attention for urban life, and on ethnographic museums and questions of redress/repair.
João Pacheco de Oliveira (Federal University of and Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): de Oliveira isan anthropologist who works with the Tikuna people of Amazonia. With Indigenous leaders, he was one of the founders of the Maguta Documentation and Research Centre, later the Maguta Museum which is now administered by a local Indigenous group. He is curator of the ethnological collections at the Museu Nacional, which suffered a devastating fire in 2018.
Damion Thomas (Curator of Sports, National Museum of African American History & Culture, Smithsonian Institution, USA): Damion explores the role of sport in linking African American people with the American nation as a whole.