Pitt Rivers Museum Papers
Papers relating to the foundation and history of the PITT RIVERS MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD
30 boxes of material.
The material includes correspondence, notebooks, loose notes, typescripts, drawings, pamphlets and offprints of articles, newspapers cuttings and miscellaneous ephemera
The material has been listed in detail (see below).
Full Listing
Box 1
Foundation and Early History of the Pitt Rivers Museum
Correspondence, cuttings etc. – download detailed box listing
Box 2
1-3 Three pencil drawings by Alfred Robinson of message sticks collected by A. W. Howitt. Reproduced in JRAI, Vol XVIII, Pl. XIV, 1889.
4 Pencil drawing on card by Alfred Robinson of an unidentified artefact, circa 1900.
5 Pencil drawing on card by Alfred Robinson of an unidentified artefact (?pottery head), circa 1900.
6 Pencil drawing with watercolour on card by Alfred Robinson of an unidentified artefact (carved stone with inscriptions), circa 1900.
7 Pencil drawing on card by Alfred Robinson of an unidentified artefact (double pottery jar with bird head), circa 1900.
8 Pencil drawing with watercolour by Alfred Robinson of two unidentified Aboriginal artefacts (one is a knife), circa 1900.
9 Watercolour on card by Alfred Robinson of an unidentified artefact (carved (?) steatite man wearing hat), circa 1900.
10 Pencil drawing with watercolour on card by Alfred Robinson or Henry Balfour of four unidentified gourd containers, circa 1900.
11 Ink drawing pasted on card by Henry Balfour of two drinking bowls made from human skulls (Asante, Ghana) in the British Museum. Circa 1900.
12-19 Correspondence between G. P. VON GUMER and E. B. TYLOR/ Henry BALFOUR on the purchase of photographs from the estate of Carl Dammann, 1901.
20 Early photocopy of Indenture signed between A. H. L. F. Pitt Rivers and The University of Oxford on the gifting of his collection to the University, dated May 20 1884. 4pp.
21 Foolscap manuscript, presumably in the hand of Edward Evans, entitled ‘General Remarks on the Esquimaux Collection’. Circa 1886. 5pp.Transferred from the Asmolean Museum 2005.
Box 3
Manuscript material relating to the PRM’s ‘Cook’ collections: artefacts known to have been collected on one of the three voyages of Capt James Cook between 1768 and 1779.
1 ‘Catalogue of Curiosities sent to Oxford’ 1776
The Catalogue of Curiosities sent to Oxford is a sixteen-page manuscript in which George Forster listed the items sent to the Ashmolean Museum in January 1776 (transferred to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1886). It has 179 entries (1 to 177 plus 55a and 101a). Each entry in the manuscript refers to a single object or a group of objects and describes them very briefly.
Online access via The Forster Collection website: http://projects.prm.ox.ac.uk/forster/curiosities.html
2 List entitled ‘The Portion of Captain Cook’s Collection in the Ashmolean’, compiled by Edward Evans circa 1886. This list was Evans’s attempt to correlate the Ashmolean Cook objects with Forster’s numbers on object labels, since he seems not have had the Catalogue of Curiosities for reference. 2pp. Transferred from the Ashmolean Museum.
3 ‘Notes from Captain Cook’s Three Voyages’ by Edward Evans, circa 1886. 31pp. Transferred from the Ashmolean Museum.
Box 4
1 Notebook entitled ‘Students Book’ on cover in Henry Balfour’s hand. Entries from 1935 to 1959. Includes lists of students and their attendance. Further entries for attendance at lectures by Blackwood, Bradford, Brice, Penniman. Last entries for Trinity Term 1959. 164pp.
2 Notebook entitled ‘Visitors Book’ on cover. Entries from 1941 to 1965. All educational group visits, counting numbers in each party. This notebook appears to be an old notebook of Henry Balfour’s (who died a couple of years before the first visitor notes were made in it) since the back contains notes on fossils from Stonesfield, seemingly in a young Balfour’s handwriting, perhaps made when studying or copying work by Buckland at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.
3 Notebook entitled ‘Visitors I 1945-1953’ on cover. Contains names of individuals visiting as researchers, with details of their research. 16pp.
4 Notebook entitled ‘Visitors II 1954-1966’ on cover. Contains names of individuals visiting as researchers, with details of their research. 28pp.
5 Notebook entitled ‘Visitors Aug 1966 – Jan 1971’ on cover. Contains names of individuals visiting as researchers, with details of their research. 28pp.
6 Notebook entitled ‘Visitors 1971–4’ on cover. Contains names of individuals visiting as researchers, with details of their research. 10pp.
7 List of visiting researchers consulting the PRM manuscript collections, 1985-1996. Includes names and details of research interests.
8 Specification of works required in the erection of a storeroom etc. at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Jan 1907. John R Wilkins, architect, Oxford.’ 7 pp.
9 ‘The Disposal of duplicate and other unnecessary specimens in the Pitt Rivers Museum’. Undated typescript by Henry Balfour. 2pp.
10 ‘Specification of Work to be done in a portion of the University Museum for the Curators of the University Chest’. Details of work to be carried out in 1948 to convert the Dept of Geology extension on the east side of the OUMNH for use by the PRM. 7pp.
11 Items relating to plans for PRM development on new sites, May 1962. 4pp.
12 Items relating to the 1962-1967 quinquennium. Includes suggestion by T. K. Penniman of appointment of ethnomusicologist, and a proposal for an extension to the south of the PRM.
13 Items relating to plans for PRM development on new sites, 1964. Includes i) Undated typescript setting out grounds for new PRM. Mentions ‘its two curators who held office for a combined total of eighty years’ and so can be assumed to have been authored by B. Fagg in 1964. 2pp ii) A copy of the supplement to the Oxford University Gazette entitled ‘Future Requirements of the Science Departments. Report by Sir William Holford’, published 23 May 1963. The supplement includes annotations by T. K. Penniman on the cover as well as marginalia, and is also signed by B. Fagg, 1964.
14 Typescript list of PRM staff, circa 1970s. Probably made for the benefit of a new member of staff (‘in the lab next to your room’). 1 page.
15 ‘Further Report on Development of the Banbury/Bradmore Road Site from The University Surveyor’, 1971. 14 pp.
16 Obituary notice for The Late Lieut.-General Pitt-Rivers, D.C.L, F.R.S., from the “Essex Naturalist”, Jan-June 1900, Vol xi. dd Henry Balfour. 7 pp.
17 Leaflet. ‘To Welcome the Permanent Council of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, on Monday 15 April 1946’. Introduces the PRM in English and French. Printed by the University Press, Oxford. 4 pp.
18 Bibliography for Pitt Rivers Museum lecture series Origins of Civilization. Early 1960s. 4 pp.
19 Leaflet introducing the PRM (Department of Ethnology and Prehistory). Late 1950s/ early 1960s. Printed by the University Press, Oxford. 4pp.
20 ‘Report of the Joint Committee for the Review of Activities’, Nov 1960-Mar 1961. Author: T. D. Kendrick. Discusses matters relating to Penniman’s retirement and the problem of the future of the PRM. 15 pp. Includes marginalia by B. Fagg.
21 Pamphlet. ‘Department of Ethnology and Prehistory, University of Oxford’. Introduces the teaching activities and structure of the department. Mid 1980s. 10 pp.
22 Leaflet. ‘Temporary Exhibition Gallery’. Introduces the first temporary exhibition in the new gallery, Art from the Guinea Coast, as well as the PRM generally. Circa 1965. 4 pp.
23 Invitation card. Opening of the Balfour Building by the Chancellor the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Stockton, June 1986. 1 page.
24 Leaflet. New Balfour Building, Opened on 26th June 1986 by the Vice-Chancellor of the University Sir Patrick Neill, QC. Introduces the PRM and the Balfour Building. 4 pp.
25 i) Undated newspaper obituary notice for Bernard FAGG by Schuyler JONES. ii) Leaflet. Order of service for memorial service in memory of Bernard FAGG, 14th Nov 1987, University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford. 4 pp. (Includes inserted invite to Linacre College).
26 Items relating to the PRM’s involvement with the Campaign for Oxford, 1990. i) Brochure setting out four fundraising targets. 4 pp. ii) Ring-bound document setting out plans for the refurbishment of the Upper Gallery. 6 pp.
Box 5
1 ‘Catalogue of Colonel Lane Fox’s Anthropological Collection’, South Kensington Museum, 1879. Published catalogue of Pitt-Rivers’ collection as arranged at the Bethnall Green Museum in 1874. dd. W. L. Nash, 1911.
2 ‘The Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham. General Handbook edited by L. H. Dudley Buxton, Farnham Museum 1929’. dd Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum, 1985.
3 ‘The Life of Many Shots, A Blood (Blackfoot) Indian. Painted by himself on a cow-hide. Explained by John MacLean 1894’ Typescript bound by PRM. Includes copy of letter from J. MACLEAN to Cuthbert E. PEEK, 1894, sending the painted hide, as well as an account of the imagery painted on the hide, as told by Many Shots to John MACLEAN. Includes note in Penniman’s hand ‘Not to be taken away from the Museum’ on inside cover. 7 pp.
4 ‘Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford. A Short Directory of the Series. Court Copy’. Bound typescript showing locations of types of objects within the Museum. Includes numerous annotations, mostly in Balfour’s hand. Indexed and bound by Penniman in 1941.
5 ‘The General’s Gift: a Celebration of the Pitt Rivers Museum Centenary 1884-1984’ edited by B. A. L. Cranstone and Steven Seidenberg. Published by the Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (JASO) as Occasional Paper no. 3. Oxford 1984, 68pp.
Box 6
Correspondence with overseas museums relating to PRM consultation on archery materials, 1961. Letters arranged in folders according to country. Project co-ordinated by Anthony Wootton, Secretary and Librarian.
Box 7
Material relating to the planned new Pitt Rivers Museum to be located on the Banbury Road, Oxford, and designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell & Moya.
1 Ring-bound typescript. Report on proposed new buildings for Pitt Rivers Museum. Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya, January 1967.
2 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya. Ring-bound document including photographs, drawings and text. Late 1960s. Marked ‘Mark II’ on cover.
3 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya. Ring-bound document including photographs, drawings and text. Late 1960s.
4 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya. Ring-bound document including photographs, drawings and text. Late 1960s/ early 1970s. Marked ‘Provisional Format MK V’ on cover.
5 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya. Ring-bound document including photographs, drawings and text. Late 1960s/ early 1970s. Marked ‘Experimental’ on cover.
6 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya. Ring-bound document including photographs, drawings and text. 1968. Includes letter from B. Fagg to A. F. MARTIN, St. John’s College, dated 24.4.1968, enclosing copy.
7 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya. Black ring-bound document including photographs, drawings and text. Early 1970s. dd Mrs C. Fagg, 1995.
8 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Ink drawing showing aerial view of proposed new building designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya in 1967 between Banbury and Bradmore Road, Oxford.
9 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Compliment slip or postcard showing elevation of the proposed new building designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya in 1967 between Banbury and Bradmore Road, Oxford.
10 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. ‘Revised Preliminary Capacity Plan with Capital Estimates’. Undated document. 7 pp. Transferred from Oxford University Museum of Natural History, 2005.
11 New Pitt Rivers Museum building. Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Powell and Moya, 1967. 22 photographs of the model for the new building. Late 1960s/ early 1970s.
12 12/1 ‘Proposals for a Museum of Man at Oxford’. Bound typescript including details of new museum layout, design etc. Undated, circa 1965. Would appear to be based on Fagg’s proposals for a new PRM and predate the Nervi design of 1967. 10 pp. Includes three press clippings: 12/2 Threat to Victorian architecture on Banbury Rd, Oxford Mail Jan 1966; 12/3 Announcement of opening of exhibition Art from the Guinea Coast, The Times Nov 1965; 12/4 ‘University to Reserve Site for Museum’, Oxford Mail Feb 1966.
13 New Pitt Rivers Museum. Photographs and text mounted on board. Undated, circa 1965. Shows an early model of the design for the new museum to be built on the Banbury/ Bradmore Rd site. 2 pp.
Box 8
Samples of historical display material.
1 Early Metallurgy of the Ancient Near and Far East. Folder containing boards with pasted text, photographs, diagrams and tables. In five sections, numbered. Materials used to supplement the display of objects relating to metallurgy in the ancient Old and New World in the Pitt Rivers Museum, Upper Gallery, south side. Includes hand-written and drawn material by H. Balfour and T. K. Penniman. New World material not kept. Removed from display May 1992.
2 Stone working & tool hafting techniques. Folder containing boards with pasted text, photographs, diagrams and drawings. Materials used to explain stone working techniques and stone tool making in the Pitt Rivers Museum, Upper Gallery, south side. Considerable use made of B. Blackwood's New Guinea photos. Accompanying text by B. Blackwood. Ancient Egyptian material by H. Balfour. 31 pp. Removed from display May 1992.
3 New Guinea and Australia, use and manufacture of stone tools. Folder containing boards with pasted text, photographs, maps and drawings. Materials used to explain stone working techniques and stone tool making in the Pitt Rivers Museum, Upper Gallery, south side. Considerable use made of B. Blackwood's New Guinea photos. Accompanying text by B. Blackwood. 17 pp. Removed from display May 1992.
4 Photograph of a print and label, mounted on card. ‘Aghori mendicant ascetic carrying human skull used as a drinking vessel, India’. Made by H. Balfour for display in Museum. Removed at unknown date.
5 Mounted drawing, cut from a publication by George French Angas (plate xxxvi), made by H. Balfour for display in Museum. Removed at unknown date, labeled: ‘Old man and girl of the Milmendura tribe, Coorung River. In front of the girl is a skull (her mother’s) made into a drinking vessel, which was always carried about by her. S. Australia. Angas pl xxxvi.’
6 Two drawings/ diagrams by H. Balfour, 1912 - ‘Rock-shelter, Sirgenstein, Swabian Alps, Wurtemberg after R. R. Schmidt’ and ‘Cave, “Grotte du Tilobite”, Arcy-sur-Cure, Yonne. After Parat’.
7 Map showing ‘Geographical Distribution of Coracles and Skin Boats’ by Henry Balfour, circa 1910. Includes small card showing key to possibly unrelated map.
8 Card with eight drawings by Henry Balfour and one engraving, showing circular boat types from different locations and time periods. Undated, circa 1900.
9 Map showing ‘Distribution of the Sling’ by Henry Balfour, 1916.
10 Map showing ‘Distribution of Artificial Cranial Deformation’ by Henry Balfour, circa 1922.
Box 9
Folder 1:
1 – 8 Display material (mostly drawings by Henry Balfour after published plates) used to supplement display of objects in the Pitt Rivers Museum relating to lip deformation as ornament.
1 Mounted photograph (see 1994.62.159.2) by A. Robert Hottot of two Kaba women wearing lip plugs. Guelebom village, Chad. 24 August 1908.
2 Postcard showing two women wearing lip plates, Chad. From a photograph by René Moreu. Edition R. Bègue, 9 Rue Cauchois, Paris.
3 Postcard showing seated man (‘chef de village’) with ornamental plugs in above both nostrils. Pauoa, Chad. Published by Braun & Cie, Paris.
4 Drawing by Henry Balfour of ‘Sara Kabba’ (Sara Kaba) woman wearing lip plugs. 1920s/1930s. After Karl Kumm, Geographical Journal, 1910, XXXVI, p.151.
5 Display board with three watercolours by Ernest Seymour Thomas and text by Henry Balfour illustrating lip ornaments among Chadian women, 1920s/1930s. After illustrations published in L’Anthropologie, Vol XXXIII, p. 103.
6 Display board with three ink drawings and text by Henry Balfour illustrating African lip ornamentation. Based on published illustrations by Schweinfurth, Livingstone and Ratzel. 1930s.
7 Display board with three ink drawings and text by Henry Balfour illustrating nose ornamentation in Oceania. Based on published illustrations by Ratzel and Haddon. 1930s.
8 Display board with two ink drawings and text by Henry Balfour illustrating ear and lip ornamentation in South America. Based on published illustrations by Ratzel and (?)Bodmer (Prince Maximilian’s voyage). 1930s.
Folder 2:
9 – 28 Display materials relating to Native American technology. Photographs & text on small panels. Materials used to supplement displays in Pitt Rivers Museum of objects from Native American cultures. Coverage: Prehistory, Mound-Builders, Use of Metals, cultures of northeast, Southwest, Northwest Coast Plains. Displays removed sometime in the 1970s. 20 pp.
Folder 3:
29 – 43 Display materials relating to Melanesia. Text, photographs, maps on small panels. Materials used to supplement the display of Melanesian objects in the Pitt Rivers Museum. Coverage: origins, social organization and ritual, material culture. Includes many photographs by Beatrice Blackwood. Series possibly incomplete. There is no record as to if this material was shown together. Removed from display about 1970. 16 pp.
Folder 4:
44 – 53 Display materials relating to Micronesia. Text, photographs & maps on small panels. Materials used to supplement the display in the Pitt Rivers Museum of Micronesian objects. Coverage: Origins, people, material culture. Possibly not complete. Removed from display about 1970. 10 pp.
54 – 64 Examples of display label texts, 1930s, including a display of wax models by G. E. S. Turner 1934-1935.
65 – 72 Examples of design work by Pitt Rivers Museum technical services, 1980s.
65 PRM compliment slip, designed to commemorate the Museum’s centenary in 1984.
66 Poster advertising the opening times of the Pitt Rivers Museum. 1980s.
67 Design for leaflet/ poster advertising the Pitt Rivers Museum. 1980s.
68 Ink line drawing with watercolour. Design for fundraising display board to be erected near the entrance to the PRM, raising money for the ‘Pitt Rivers Museum musical instrument gallery project’ (later established as Music Makers Gallery at 60 Banbury Road). Dated Jan 30 1983.
69 Ink line drawing with watercolour. Design for fundraising display board to be erected near the entrance to the PRM, raising money for the ‘Pitt Rivers Museum musical instrument gallery project’ (later established as Music Makers Gallery at 60 Banbury Road). Dated Jan 30 1983.
70 Ink line drawing with watercolour. Design for display case showing masks. Dated Oct 8 1986.
71 Design for leaflet/ poster advertising the Pitt Rivers Museum, including drawing of totem pole. ?1980s/1990s.
72 Design for document cover page, showing the iron construction of the Pitt Rivers Museum as well as the totem poles. 1990s.
73 Design by J. Todd for display case showing Bunyoro artefacts, Lower Gallery. Circa 1997.
Box 10
Ephemeral material relating to exhibitions at the Pitt Rivers Museum.
1 Exhibition pamphlet: ‘From the Islands of the South Seas 1773-4’. An exhibition of artefacts collected on Captain Cook’s second voyage, 1970.
2 Exhibition invitation: ‘Strange Territory: a dialogue of photographs and text on two sites by Elizabeth Williams and Elizabeth Edwards’, 1994.
3 Invitation to launch: ‘Oxford University Museums–major new initiatives–Resource/DCMS/Designation Challenge Fund’, 2002.
4 Exhibition flyer: ‘Mrs Cook’s Kete¬–Artists’ installation at the Pitt Rivers Museum, 2 November 2002–27 April 2003.’
5 Leaflet: ‘University of Oxford Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology M.Sc. Visual Anthropology’, circa 2004.
6 Leaflet: ‘University of Oxford Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology with The Pitt Rivers Museum M.Sc. & M.Phil Material Anthropology & Museum Ethnography’, circa 2004.
7 Leaflet: ‘Anthropology at Oxford 1905-2005 – a centenary conference’, 2005.
8 Leaflet advertising the PRM exhibition ‘Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947’, 2003-2004.
9 Leaflet advertising the PRM exhibition (curated by Elizabeth Edwards) ‘Diamond Jenness in the Pacific Islands 1911-12’ held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992-1993.
10 Exhibition pamphlet: ‘Mamoru Abe’s Voices’. Guide to exhibition by Abe in OUMNH and PRM in 2001. Includes text by Brian Catling and Jeremy Coote.
11 Exhibition pamphlet: ‘Making Light Work’. Guide to exhibition of lamps and lighting curated by Linda Cheetham (later Mowat), with drawings by Kozo Hida, 1987.
12 Exhibition pamphlet: ‘The Goddess of Batik: textiles from China by Chen Ning Kang & Fu Mu Lan’, 1990.
13 Promotional leaflet: ‘Body Arts: New displays at the Pitt Rivers Museum’, circa 2002.
14 Leaflet: ‘Inspired! Stories from the Pitt Rivers Museum. An evening with Penelope Lively and Philip Pullman’, 2003.
15 Exhibition leaflet: ‘Molas: textiles of the Kuna Indians’, PRM 1989-1990.
16 Exhibition leaflet: ‘Wilfred Thesiger’s Photographs–A ‘Most Cherished Possession’, PRM 1993-1994.
17 Exhibition leaflet: ‘Snares of Privacy and Fiction–objects, images, soundworks and texts set within the ethnological collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford’. Exhibition devised by Chris Dorsett, 1992.
18 Exhibition leaflet: ‘Braving the Elements–Conserving plant-fibre clothing from around the world’, PRM 1997-1998.
19 Exhibition leaflet: ‘Acts of Faith: Brazilian Contemporary Photography’. Exhibition curated by Pitt Rivers Museum (Elizabeth Edwards) at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 2001-2002.
20 Exhibition poster: ‘Acts of Faith: Brazilian Contemporary Photography’. Exhibition curated by Pitt Rivers Museum (Elizabeth Edwards) at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 2001-2002.
21 Exhibition flyer: ‘Transformations: the art of recycling’ PRM 2000-2002.
22 Exhibition flyer: ‘The Joachim Schmid Collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum. An artist’s intervention and site-specific installation by Joachim Schmid in conjunction with the exhibition Transformations: the art of recycling’ PRM 2000-2002.
23 Exhibition hand-out (artist’s statement) ‘The Joachim Schmid Collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum. An artist’s intervention’ (exhibition in conjunction with the exhibition Transformations: the art of recycling’ PRM 2000-2002). 2 pp.
24 Exhibition flyer: ‘Picturing Paradise–Colonial Photography in Samoa 1875-1925’ PRM 1995.
25 Exhibition flyer: ‘Bilder aud dem Paradies–Koloniale Fotografie aud Samoa 1875-1925 [Picturing Paradise–Colonial Photography in Samoa 1875-1925]’ Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1995.
26 Exhibition flyer (green): ‘Picturing Paradise–Colonial Photography in Samoa 1875-1925’ PRM 1995.
27 Exhibition flyer (white): ‘Picturing Paradise–Colonial Photography in Samoa 1875-1925’ PRM 1995. Includes text by Elizabeth Edwards.
28 Exhibition flyer (possibly press release): ‘WAMO D’Entrecasteaux Islands, New Guinea, 1911-1912. Photographs by Diamond Jenness’, PRM 1991-1992.
29 Exhibition invitation: ‘Wilfred Thesiger’s Iraq: 1949-1958. Photographs of Travel’ at the Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock, 19 Aug 2004.
30 Exhibition invitation: ‘Wilfred Thesiger’s Iraq: 1949-1958. Photographs of Travel’ PRM 13 Jan 2005.
31 Exhibition flyer: ‘Wilfred Thesiger’s Iraq: 1949-1958. Photographs of Travel’ PRM Dec 2004–May 2005 (actually extended until Easter 2006).
32 Exhibition guide/postcards: ‘Studio Cameroon: The Everyday Photography of Jacques Touselle’ PRM Nov 2007–July 2008. Curated by Philip Grover and Chris Morton.
33 Exhibition guide: ‘Pacific Islanders: Photographs by Evotia Tamua’, PRM (Balfour Building) 1999. Includes text by Elizabeth Edwards and Evotia Tamua.
34 Exhibition poster: ‘Pacific Islanders: Photographs by Evotia Tamua’, PRM (Balfour Building) 1999.
35 ISCA garden party invitation with invitation to opening of exhibition ‘Going Home: continuity and change in modern Mongolia. Photographs by Barbara Hind’, PRM (Balfour Building) 1998. Curated by Clare parry, David Odo and Meghan O’Brien.
36 Exhibition leaflet: ‘Going Home: continuity and change in modern Mongolia. Photographs by Barbara Hind’ Curated by Clare parry, David Odo and Meghan O’Brien. Trinity House Gallery, The Newarke, Leicester, 1999. Includes text by the curators. First exhibited at PRM 1998.
37 Exhibition poster: ‘Native American Photographs: Nineteenth Century Images from the Collections’, PRM 1996.
38 Exhibition guide/information: ‘Museum of Modern Art Oxford–MOMA2 Installation at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Marina Abramovic–Cleaning the Mirror’. PRM, 1995.
39 Exhibition guide/information: ‘The first DIVERS MEMORIES exhibition’, PRM, 1994. Curated by Chris Dorsett. 4 pp.
40 Exhibition invitation: ‘Slight Shifts: an intervention into the spaces, collections and practices of the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, by Wong Hoy Cheong, the inaugural ‘International Oxford Brookes/ Pitt Rivers Museum Fine Art Visiting Fellow 2004’, PRM 2004. Includes press release. 2 pp.
41 Exhibition invitation: ‘Making Light Work: An exhibition of Lamps and Lighting with new work by Margaret O’Rorke’, PRM 1987. Includes press release. 2 pp.
42 Exhibition poster/flyer: ‘Tibet–A Great Mountain Land: Photographs by Sir Charles Bell 1920-21’, PRM 1988. Includes invitation to private view. 2 pp.
43 Gallery plan for visitors to the Pitt Rivers Museum. Early 1990s.
44 Museum pamphlet: ‘Pitt Rivers Museum Musical Instruments and Archaeology Project’, 1983. Includes donation form.
45 Promotional flyer: ‘Pitt Rivers Museum Centenary Concert Series, Holywell Music Room and Wolfson College Ethnomusicology Seminars’ organized by Hélène la Rue, 1984.
46 Conference itinerary: ‘A Centenary Celebration for the Pitt Rivers Museum¬–Bagpipes and Hurdy-gurdies Conference–Oxford, 21-23 Sept 1984’.
47 Exhibition flyer: ‘ “Pitt Stops” presents Suzhou Taoist Music Troupe–A unique opportunity to hear a type of music rarely performed outside China at the Balfour Building of the Pitt Rivers Museum’, 22 March 1994.
48 Exhibition poster: ‘Traditonal Kora Music from West Africa played by Dembo Konte & Kausu Kuyateh in the Holywell Music Room, Monday 4 May 1987’.
49 Exhibition poster: ‘Demonstration of Qin and Calligraphy–Prof. Li Xiangting from the Central Conservatory of China, Beijing. Balfour Building, Music Makers Gallery, Thursday 6 October 1988’.
50 Exhibition poster: ‘Traditional Chinese Music–Lisha Li (Chinese lute); Lisheng Wang (Chinese flute); Dacan Chen (Chinese fiddle). Tuesday 15 Nov’ (mid 1990s?).
51 Promotional poster: ‘Pitt Rivers Museum–Explore mummies, magic, masks...and much much more with our education service’, before 1995.
52 Promotional poster: ‘Pitt Rivers Museum Centenary Concert Series, Holywell Music Room and Wolfson College Ethnomusicology Seminars’ organized by Hélène la Rue, 1984.
53 Promotional poster: ‘Sound Threads–An exhibition of Indonesian and Sarawak musical instruments and weaving. 27 April to 11 August 1990, Pitt Rivers Museum, Balfour Building’.
54 Promotional poster: ‘Cultural Co-Operation in Association with Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford presents The Oxford Festival of Traditional Music, featuring international folk and traditional music from India’, June 1987.
55 Promotional poster: ‘Cultural Co-Operation in Association with Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford presents The 2nd Oxford Festival of Traditional Music–traditional music and dance from Papua New Guinea and New Zealand’, June 1988.
56 Promotional poster: ‘3rd Oxford Festival of Traditional Music in association with the Pitt Rivers Museum–featuring traditional music and dance from West Africa’, June 1989.
57 Exhibition poster: ‘Seeing Lhasa–British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947’, PRM 2003-2004.
58 Exhibition poster: ‘Tibet–A Great Mountain Land: Photographs by Sir Charles Bell 1920-21’, PRM 1988.
59 Exhibition poster: ‘Images of China 1908-1912–a selection of photographs and everyday objects from China at the turn of the century at the Pitt Rivers Museum from 19 January’, PRM 1985.
60 Exhibition poster: ‘Pitt Rivers Museum–the First Hundred Years 1884-1984 – A Centenary Exhibition’, PRM 1984.
61 Exhibition poster: ‘Braving the Elements–Conserving plant-fibre clothing from around the world’, PRM 1997-1998. Curated by Birgitte Speake and other PRM Conservators.
62 Exhibition poster: ‘Glimpses of Kyoto Life–Japanese Arts and Crafts from the John Lowe Collection’, PRM 1996-1997.
63 Exhibition poster: ‘Strange Territory–a dialogue of photographs and text on two sites by Elizabeth Williams and Elizabeth Edwards’, Museum of Modern Art Oxford and PRM, 1994.
64 Exhibition poster: ‘Gathering Rites–a sculptural exploration by eight artists at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Balfour Building, Oxford. Patricia Cox, Chris Dorsett, Elena Gaputyte, Steve Hurst, Mouse Katz, Roxane Permar, Coffin Price, Pete Smithson’, PRM 1988. (Signed by the artists)
65 Mounted Exhibition poster: ‘Tibet–A Great Mountain Land: Photographs by Sir Charles Bell 1920-21’, PRM 1988.
66 Exhibition poster: ‘Community Music and Dance–Exploring traditions in community music making: educational displays of the gamelan orchestra and shadow puppets of Java with Morris dancing, civic and village bands from England’, PRM 2007-2008.
67 Promotional poster: ‘Late Night Opening–Glimpses of Japan’ PRM 2001.
68 Exhibition poster: ‘Letters from Central Australia –Correspondence between the Australian Anthropologists F. J. Gillen and W. Baldwin Spencer. An exhibition in the Lower Gallery...’, PRM 1996-1999.
69 Exhibition poster: ‘Dressed for Dance–Festival Costume and Ornament of Yugoslavia’, an exhibition at the Balfour Building, 1988.
70 Promotional poster: ‘The Opening of the New Balfour Building, 60 Banbury Road. Music Makers & Hunter Gatherers Past and Present. Open from 27th June 1986’.
71 Exhibition poster: ‘Making Light Work: An exhibition of Lamps and Lighting. With Margaret O’Rorke’, PRM 1987.
72 Exhibition poster: ‘Australia in Oxford’, PRM 1988-1989.
73 Exhibition poster: ‘Basketmakers–Meaning and Form in Native American Baskets’, PRM 1992-1993.
74 Exhibition poster: ‘David Paskett: Paintings and Drawings in the shop at Pitt Rivers Museum’, circa 1993. Includes greeting card with drawing by Paskett.
75 Exhibition poster: ‘Heights of the Heavens: Buddhism in Mongolia and Tibet’, PRM 1994. Includes press release.
76 Exhibition poster: ‘Baka: Forest People. An exhibition of paintings, drawings and music by Su Hart and Martin Cradick inspired by their stay with the Baka in the rainforests of S. E. Cameroon’, PRM 1994. Includes pamphlet guide to the exhibition.
77 Exhibition poster/ guide: ‘Divers Memories’, PRM 1994. Curated by Chris Dorsett. Includes text by Dorsett and Jerome Fletcher.
78 Exhibition poster: ‘Kuba Textiles’, PRM 1995. Includes press release.
79 Exhibition pamphlet: ‘Setting the Pace. An exhibition of foot and legwear used in dance and ritual from around the world’, PRM 1992. Curated by Judith Knight, Sandra Dudley, Pamela Grace and Tina Stoecklin.
80 Exhibition flyer: ‘Special exhibition: Embroideries from Islamic Journeys. As featured in Sheila Paine’s book The Afghan Amulet’, PRM 1995-1996. Includes press release.
81 Exhibition poster: ‘Stories from South Africa. An exhibition designed by the Museum’s graduate students featuring displays of rock art, music and dance, beadwork and souvenir art’ PRM Balfour Building, 1996. Includes 6-page document of texts and captions.
82 Exhibition poster: ‘Women’s Lives: an ethnographic journal. Photographs by Beatrice Blackwood’, PRM Balfour Building, 1998. Includes Press Release.
83 Exhibition poster: ‘A Rainy Season Among the Arawe. Collecting in Melanesia: Beatrice Blackwood’s fieldwork in 1937’ PRM Balfour Building, 1997. Includes Press Release.
84 Exhibition pamphlet: ‘Conserving a Chinese Raincoat’. Information on the conservation treatment of 1886.1.263. Produced in conjunction with the exhibition Braving the Elements, PRM 1997.
85 Exhibition poster: ‘Home of Signs and Wonders: A Photographic Work in Progress from Nigeria by Owen Logan’, PRM 1999. Includes press release.
86 Exhibition poster: ‘Imaginary Homecoming: Photographs by Jorma Puranen’, PRM Balfour Building, 1998-1999.
87 Exhibition poster: ‘West African Journeys: 12 albums of photographs–Senegal, Cote D’Ivoire, Mali, Burkino Faso, Ghana, Togo–by Michael Pennie’, PRM Balfour Building, 1999.
88 Exhibition poster: ‘Ladakh: Himalayan Photographs by Karl-Einar Löfqvist’, PRM Balfour Building, 1999-2000. Includes press release.
89 Museum trail: ‘Pitt Rivers Museum Recycling Trail by Tim Hunkin’, 2000.
90 Exhibition poster: ‘Transformations: the Art of Recycling’, PRM 2000-2002.
91 Exhibition poster: ‘Objects Talk: explore the connections people make with objects – what do they mean to you?’, PRM 2002-2003.
92 Exhibition poster: ‘Treasured Textiles: cloth and clothing around the world’, PRM 2006-2008.
93 Exhibition poster: ‘Nuristan – Land of Light’, PRM, 1972.
94 Exhibition guide/postcards: ‘Carolyn Drake: Photographs of Central Asia' PRM May–Nov 2009. Curated by Philip Grover and Christopher Morton.
95 Exhibition poster: 'Art from the Guinea Coast. Pitt Rivers Museum,
Oxford, from Nov 26 1965'.
96 Exhibition guide: ‘The Burial of Emperor Haile Selassie: Photographs by Peter Marlow' PRM Apr–Nov 2010. Curated by Christopher Morton and Philip Grover.
97 Exhibition guide/postcards: ‘Wilfred Thesiger in Africa: A Centenary Exhibition', PRM 2010-2011. Curated by Christopher Morton and Philip Grover.
98 Museum leaflet: 'Arts of the Pacific in the Eighteenth Century: The "Cook Collection" at the Pitt Rivers Museum'. Text by Jeremy Coote (1996).
99 Museum leaflet: 'The Japanese Collections: An Introduction'. Text by Julia Nicholson (1996).
100 Museum leaflet: 'Native American Photographs: Nineteenth Century Images from the Collections'. Text by Elizabeth Edwards (1996).
101 Exhibition guide/postcards: ‘Disciples of a Crazy Saint: The Buchen of Spiti: Photographs by Patrick Sutherland', PRM Dec 2010-July 2011. Curated by Patrick Sutherland and Christopher Morton.
102 Exhibition publication: Patrick Sutherland and Tashi Tsering, Disciples of a Crazy Saint: The Buchen of Spiti (Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum, 2011).
103 Exhibition postcards: 'Among the Pueblos: John K. Hillers (1843-1925), Photographer of the American Southwest', PRM Nov 2010-Mar 2011. Curated by Philip Grover.
104 Exhibition postcards: 'The Last Samurai: Jacques-Philippe Potteau's Photographs of the Japanese Missions to Europe, 1862 and 1864', PRM Apr-Sept 2011. Curated by Philip Grover.
105 Exhibition guide/postcards: 'People Apart: Cape Town Survey 1952 - Photographs by Bryan Heseltine', PRM Jul 2011-Jan 2012. Curated by Darren Newbury.
106 Exhibition booklet: People Apart: Cape Town Survey 1952 - Photographs by Bryan Heseltine (Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum, 2011).
107 Exhibition notebook: 'Wilfred Thesiger in Africa: A Centenary Exhibition', PRM Jun 2010-Jun 2011.
108 Exhibition booklet: The Nature of Curious Objects: Sue Johnson's Paper Museum (Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum, 2012)
109 Exhibition guide: ‘Christian Thompson: We Bury Our Own', PRM Jun 2012-Jan 2013. Curated by Christopher Morton.
110 Exhibition booklet: Christian Thompson: We Bury Our Own (Fitzroy, Australia: Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, 2012)
111 Exhibition guide: ‘Andrea Stultiens: The Kaddu Wasswa Archive', PRM Feb-Sep 2013. Curated by Andrea Stultiens and Christopher Morton.
112 Exhibition guide: ‘Visiting with the Ancestors: The Blackfoot Shirts Project’, PRM Mar-Sep 2013.
113 Exhibition guide: ‘Surviving Tsunami: Photographs in the Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake’, PRM Oct 2013-Mar 2014. Curated by Philip Grover.
Box 11 (oversize folder)
1 Exhibition poster: ‘Upturned Ark: an exhibition of works made and sited within an ethnographic museum’, PRM 1990. Includes exhibition pamphlet/guide.
2 Exhibition poster: ‘From the Islands of the South Seas 1773-4’, PRM 1970. Includes smaller version of poster as a flyer.
3 Display poster ‘Arrangement and Object of this Collection’, circa 1910. 5 copies.
4 Display poster ‘Old Japanese Masks used in the No-dances and other theatrical performances, both religious and secular’, circa 1875? [relates to PRM objects 1884.114.7-58]
5 Display board of 6 mounted photographs and text, showing poor conditions in the PRM store in the basement of the Examination Schools in 1972.
Box 12
Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology
1 The Manufacture of a Flint Arrow-head by Quartzite Hammer-stone, by Sir Francis H. S. Knowles. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 1. First published 1944, reprinted 1968 with index.
2 The McDougall Collection of Indian Textiles from Guatemala and Mexico, by Laura E. Start. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 2. First Published 1948 (Third impression 1980).
3 The Technology of a Modern Stone Age People in New Guinea, by Beatrice Blackwood. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 3. First Published 1950 (Second impression 1964).
4 Notes on the Prehistoric Metallurgy of Copper and Bronze in the Old World, by H. H. Coglan. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 4. First Published 1951 (Second edition 1975).
5 Pictures of Ivory and other Animal Teeth Bone and Antler, by T. K. Penniman. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 5. Published 1952.
6 Stone-Worker’s Progress, by Sir Francis H. S. Knowles. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 6. First published 1953 (1976 Printing).
7 Hair Embroidery in Siberia and North America, by Geoffrey Turner. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 7. First Published 1955 (1996 printing).
8 Notes on Prehistoric and Early Iron in the Old World, by H. H. Coglan. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 8. First Published 1956 (Second edition 1977).
9 Bagpipes, by Anthony Baines. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 9. Published 1960.
10 Metallurgical Reports on British and Irish Bronze Age Implements and Weapons in the Pitt Rivers Museum, by I. M. Allen, D. Britton and H. H. Coglan. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 10. Published 1970.
11 The Classification of Artefacts in the Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford, by Beatrice Blackwood. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 11. Published 1970.
12 Decorative and Symbolic Uses of Vertebrate Fossils, by Kenneth P. Oakley. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 12. Published 1975.
13 Decorative and Symbolic Uses of Fossils: Selected Groups, Mainly Invertebrate, by Kenneth P. Oakley. Pitt Rivers Museum Occasional Papers on Technology, 13. Published 1985.
Box 13
Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series
1 Eskimos of Northwest Alaska in the Early Twentieth Century, by J. R. Bockstoce (Edited by T. K. Penniman). Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 1, 1977.
2 The Kukukuku of the Upper Watut, by Beatrice Blackwood (Edited by C. R. Hallpike). Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 2, 1978.
3 Yena: Art and Ceremony in a Sepik Society, by Ross Bowden (Foreword by R. Needham). Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 3, 1983.
4 Australia in Oxford, edited by H. Morphy and E. Edwards. Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 4, 1988.
5 Basketmakers–Meaning and Form in Native American Baskets, edited by L. Mowat, H. Morphy and P. Dransart. Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 5, 1992.
6 Embarkations–Ethnography and Shamanism of the Chocó Indians of Colombia, by Donald Tayler. Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 6, 1996
7 The Coming of the Sun–a Prologue to Ika Sacred Narrative, by Donald Tayler. Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 7, 1997.
8 A Village in Asturias, by Donald Tayler. Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 8, 1998.
Boxes 14-17
Curator’s files relating to the New Pitt Rivers Museum, 1960s-1970s (unlisted)
Box 18
Ex-display panels relating to archaeology, from the PRM Upper Gallery (1940s/50s). Texts, diagrams, illustrations.
Box 19
Ex-display panels relating to archaeology, from the PRM Upper Gallery (1940s/50s)
Texts, diagrams, illustrations.
Box 20
1. Plans, blueprints, etc. relating to the Nervi designs for the New Pitt Rivers Museum, 1960s/70s; 2. Brochure of the abortive MacKeith plan (2002) by Ian Simpson architects for the new extension to the PRM; 3. ‘Pitt Rivers Research Centre Conservation Statement’, dated June 2004; ‘Land adjacent to the Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford. Archaeological Impact Assessment’, dated June 2004; ‘Pitt Rivers Research Centre. Planning Application Design Statement’, dated June 2004.
Box 21
Folder 21/1 “Photographic archives – enquiries 1980-82”
Folder 21/2 “Photo archive enquiries. 1983 – Nov 1985”
Folder 21/3 “Photo archive enquiries. Nov 1985 – 1989”
Box 22
Folder 22/1 “Enquiries 1986 – 1991”
Folder 22/2 “Photo enquiries. 1992”
Box 23
Folder 23/1 “Correspondence, A-G. 1993-6”
Folder 23/2 “Correspondence, H-O. 1993-6”
Box 24
Folder 24/1 “Correspondence, P-Z. 1993-6
Box 25
25/1 Correspondence between Elizabeth Edwards and Roslyn Poignant, early 1990s.
25/2 Folder relating to an exhibition of the work of Axel Pognant, 1993.
25/3 “002.31 [folder from PRM central filing system] Slide collection”
Box 26
26/1 “Photo / Ms Enquiries 2000 – 2001”
Box 27
27/1 “Correspondence 1999-2000”
27/2 “Correspondence 2001-2002”
Box 28
28/1 “Correspondence 1997-1998”
28/2 “Gen. Correspondence by mail. July 2006-2018”
28/3 “General correspondence”
Box 29
29/1 “Manuscript enquiries 1984-1992”
Box 30
30/1 “Ms. Correspondence 1992-2003”
Box 31
Set of seven folders (2017.58) by architect John Evans comprising his work on alternative architectural designs for a 'New Pitt Rivers Museum' and associated academic departments on Banbury Road, completed in 1971 as a 5th year student at Brixton School of Building but based upon the original project brief as supplied to Powell and Moya. His large architectural drawings on tracing paper were also donated (stored in scrolled works area of manuscript store). Photograph of Mr Evans holding designs also accessioned 2017.57.1.
Enquiries: ms-photo.colls@prm.ox.ac.uk