
National Curriculum Subject Areas: Science Everyday Materials
Length of session: 60 minutes
Maximum group size: 32

Learning Outcomes
•    Use senses to identify and name a variety of everyday materials
•    Understand how a wide range of materials is used to make everyday objects round the world
•    Appreciate diversity of materials used to make the same type of object, such as a  shoe

Session Outline
In this playful session pupils use their senses to explore museum objects and discover the variety of materials people use to make everyday objects.
Activity 1 Identify everyday materials Pupils uses their senses to explore raw materials.
Activity 2 Handle museum objects Pupils handle a wide range of museum objects and identify the materials from which they are made.
Session 3 Museum hunt Pupils go round the Museum in small groups with a supervising adult.  Each group takes a backpack containing 8 different materials and has to find a museum object made from each type of material.

I didn’t know you could make a shoe out of straw.” (Yr1 pupil)