Ubuntu: Defending a Humanity of Difference
Wednesday 21 July, 17.00 - 18.30
Régis Samba-Kounzi's work oscillates between autobiographical narrative, aesthetic research and political approach. His photos evoke the visibility of sexual and gender minorities - particularly in French-speaking Africa - and, in particular, in Congo-Kinshasha. All his work is deeply marked by the fight against HIV/AIDS, in particular and more generally by the fight against dehumanization. This webinar is born out of the need to share his artistic approach and to exchange with people who have participated in the Lolendo series, photos from which can be found in the Beyond the Binary exhibition at PItt Rivers Museum (June 2021 - March 2022). This webinar is an opportunity to discuss the experience of Congolese LGBTIQ+ people and to give voice to their struggle for dignity.
This event will be delivered in French with live subtitles generated in English.
Speaker Biographies:

Julie Makuala Di Baku is a Congolese lesbian activist from Kinshasa, founder and executive director of Oasis, a Congolese association for Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans women.
Julie Makuala Di Baku est une militante lesbienne congolaise de Kinshasa, fondatrice et directrice exécutive d'Oasis, une association congolaise pour les femmes LBT (Lesbienne, Bisexuelle et Trans).

Pamela Tekasala Sirius is a transgender man, journalist and LGBT activist living in Kinshasa.
Pamela Tekasala est un homme transgenre, journaliste et activiste de la cause LGBT, vivant à Kinshasa.

Orphée Mubake has been a human rights activist for many years. He has notably worked for the association 'Si Jeunessse Savait'. Currently, he is head of the Mwangaza structure based in Kinshasha and operator of the green line of the association 'Progrès Santé Sans Prix' (PSSP).
Orphée Mubake est un militant des droits humains depuis longues années. Il a notamment travaillé pour l'association 'Si Jeunesse Savait'. Actuellement, il est à la tête de la structure Mwangaza basée à Kinshasa et Opérateur de la ligne verte de l'association 'Progrès Santé Sans Prix' (PSSP).

Régis Samba-Kounzi is a French-Congolese-Angolan photographer and activist who lives and works between Paris and Kinshasha. His 'Lolendo' series (2015) is a documentary and artistic project that strives to decolonize fixed imaginaries about sexual minorities in Kinshasha, DRC. Images from Lolendo are powerful additions to the Beyond the Binary exhibition.

Thomas Hendriks is a postdoctoral research fellow at the KU Leuven University (Belgium). His theoretical work on queer masculinities in Kinshasa and Kisangani is deeply indebted to the creative ways in which self-consciously effeminate or 'fioto' men and their boyfriends think and experience the world.
Thomas Hendriks est un chercheur postdoctorale à l'Université de Leuven (Belgique). Son travail sur les masculinités queer à Kinshasa et Kisangani est profondément redevable à la créativité avec laquelle les hommes "fioto" et leurs partenaires vivent et pensent le monde.
Scaly Kep’na (born in Kinshasa) is a human rights activists, musician, radio maker and founder of the organization Jeunialissime in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He works towards changing social perceptions of LGBTIQA+ persons. in 2012, Scaly initiated Jeunialissime to support young people from his community. His organization uses radio as a forum for fighting stigmatization and discrimination within Congolese society and has produced podcasts under the same name. Jeunialissime is a space where young LGBTIQA+ people in DR Congo can speak openly about their lives and preoccupations.
Webinar supported by TORCH Oxford as part of the Humanities Cultural Programme.
This webinar is part of the Pitt RIvers Museum Radical Hope series. All talks will be recorded and are available to view after the event on the Radical Hope page.
Download the full Beyond the Binary events programme.
Download the Beyond the Binary exhibition booklet.
Read Oxford University's Statement on Freedom of Speech at Events here.